Good pain processing skills can increase your enjoyment of painful bondage and let you engage in more intense scenes. Everyone experiences pain differently, so you’ll need to experiment to find the techniques that work best for you.
If you’ve ever seen someone using Lamaze breathing during childbirth, you’ve seen how effective breathing techniques can be. The most common pattern is to take deep, slow breaths, although some people have good luck with shallow, rapid breaths. No matter what breathing pattern you use, don’t hold your breath or hyperventilate.
Making noise can make it easier to endure pain, as well as being a lot of fun. Yelling, swearing, and moaning can all work well, although we know people who like to squeak when they’re in pain.
If you feel like you’re reaching your limit but want to keep the scene going, changing the type or location of the pain may increase your stamina.
Some people find it very helpful to distract themselves from the pain. Wriggling, snapping your fingers, and tensing and releasing your muscles can all be helpful. Sexual arousal is an especially effective form of distraction, although it’s common for pain tolerance to drop abruptly after an orgasm.
Reducing sensory overload can increase your ability to manage intense pain. Try closing your eyes or focusing your attention on parts of your body that feel good.
Tensing your body is a natural response to pain but is usually counter-productive. Consciously tensing a different part of your body may make it easier for you to relax the part that’s in pain.