This topic is still under development.
A robust tie off that works at the top or bottom of the line.
1a1: Munter hitch
Go over the carabiner, from back to front. The line should not cross over itself.
1bGo behind all the lines, making a 180° turn.
1cGo over the carabiner, from front to back.
2a2: Slipped half hitch
Pull the line into a triangle shape, with the working end crossing behind the uplines.
2bPass a small bight through the triangle.
2cSnug the half hitch into place.
3a3: Yuki knot
Make a twist in the working end.
3bSlide the twist over the bight of the slipped half hitch.
Make sure the working end is trapped by the twist.
3cPull the yuki knot snug.